
 时间:2024-10-17 01:25:57

1、第一、言出必行始终如一Do be consistent from beginning to end你也许会认为:孩子小,偶然骗骗他没关系。其实这要不得,除非你希望以后也被他骗。我不骗孩子。还刻意要他知道:妈妈不会骗他,妈妈说到做到。这一点很重要,一方面可以获得他的信任;另一方面也能树立妈妈言出必行的威信,避免她因侥幸而无理取闹。尽量做到始终如一,避免造成孩子思维、判定的混乱。处理同样的事件要给出同样的标准,假如你今天答应孩子这么做,明天没有任何理由却告诉他不行,就会造成混乱。你或许会忘记自己的不一致,可孩子绝对不会忘。久而久之,你会发现自己的命令很难贯彻。是孩子任性吗?其实一部分是你造成的。You might think: small children, occasionally deceive him never mind. In fact this intolerable, unless you hope was that he cheated. I do not deceive children. He wants him to know: my mother will not deceive him, mother said to do. This is a very important point, one can get his confidence; on the other hand, can also set up the mother good prestige, avoiding her and make trouble out of nothing because of luck. As far as possible, be consistent from beginning to end, to avoid the child thinking, judging chaos. Handle the same event to give the same standard, if you allow kids to do today, but tomorrow there is no reason to tell him no, it will cause confusion. You may forget their own inconsistencies, the children will never forget. In the course of time, you’ll find out very difficult to carry out their orders. Children are wayward? In fact part is caused by you.

2、别把自己的意愿强加给孩子Don’t impose their will on children每个孩子都有自己的喜怒哀乐,即使父母,也无权要求他们事事按照你的意愿来做,即使你是为了他好。比如:你认为他该睡觉了,你一定要他把一碗饭全部吃掉,或者你一定要让他放下手里的玩具去做你要他做的事……强加的结果只能适得其反。让孩子按照自己的意愿行事,孩子不但开心、乐观,还能养成独立、有主见的性格。Each child has his own the passions, even if the parents, have no right to ask them to do everything according to your wishes, even if you is good for him. For example: do you think he should go to bed, you must all eat a bowl of rice he, or you must let him go hand toys do you want them to do…… The results can only run counter to one’s desire to impose. Let the children according to their own wishes, the child is not only happy, optimistic, but also develop independent, assertive personality.

3、对待孩子要有耐心Treat the child to want to have patience 对待孩子需要多大的耐心,只有做了父母才能了解。当你们精心预备好大磊拖嬗鞣餐,他却一口都不吃;当你有一大堆事等着他入睡以后再做,他却无论如何不肯睡;当你晚上瞌睡得要命,小东西却哭个没完……这时,你得拼命压制着自己的怒火,心平气和地对待孩子。但家长能做到吗?家长能一次次都做到吗?因此,家长应该以所能有的耐心,最大限度满足孩子的合理要求。孩子其实就是父母的影子,你以怎样的态度对她,这种态度也会潜移默化成她的性格的一部分。但是,人的耐心究竟是有限的,因此家长也需要让孩子承受一些忍耐和等待,即使他的要求很合理。例如当你在忙时,孩子要求你陪他玩。你可以告诉他: “等一会儿,妈妈忙完了再陪你。”Children need much patience, only do the parents can understand. When you have carefully prepared dinner, he was a do not eat; when you have a lot of things waiting for him to sleep again, but he refused to sleep in any case; when you terribly sleepy at night, the little things are cry without end…… At this time, you have to struggle to suppress their anger, be in a calm mood to treat a child. But parents can do? Parents can do a bottom?Therefore, parents should have patience, to maximize meet their children’s reasonable requests. The child is parents’ shadow, you with what kind of attitude to her, this attitude will influence character by environment as part of her character. However, people’s patience is limited, so parents need to let the child accept some patience and waiting, even if his request is reasonable. For example, when you are busy, they ask you to play with him. You can tell him: “wait a minute, she was to accompany you.”

4、 忽视孩子的无理要求Ignore the child’s unreasonable demands遇上孩子提无理要求,或提出合理要求你也无法满足时,假如他哭闹不休,也要最大限度满足他吗?恰恰相反。对于孩子的无理要求,你一定不要满足,而且一次也不能妥协。否则只会使同样的不愉快一而再再而三地发生。当你对孩子说“不行”、“不能做”时,孩子往往不会马上放弃他的行动,他会一边看着你,一边继续试探你是否真的不让他做。这时,你应该果断地走过去,把孩子抱开,让他做别的事;而不是继续坐在那里,重复说着“不行”,持续与孩子较量。孩子从你果断的态度上,可以知道这件事是真的不能做。When the child unreasonable demands, or you can not satisfy the reasonable demands, if he was crying endlessly, to maximize meet him? On the contrary. Unreasonable demands for children, you must not be satisfied, but one can not compromise. Otherwise it will only make the same unpleasant again and again three to happen.Child when you say “no”, “can’t do”, children are often not immediately give up his actions, he watched you, while you continue to test it really do not let him. At this time, you should resolutely walked past, hugs the child, let him do anything else; instead of sitting there, repeat the saying “no”, continue with the children. Children from your resolute attitude, can know this is true can not do.

5、让孩子承担一点责任Let the children take a bit of responsibility看到这个小标题,你或许会跳起来,这么小的孩子你让她承担什么责任?其实,孩子的责任感就应该从小培养。孩子应该从对自己做的事承担责任开始,树立起责任意识。当孩子把一大堆玩具弄得满地都是,家长可以叫着孩子一起收拾玩具,或者引导他自己收拾。孩子掉落的东西让他自己捡起来,摔倒后让他自己爬起来。凡是孩子自己能做的事情,家长都应该让孩子自己做。孩子的性格都是在日常生活的点点滴滴中培养起来的,作为父母更应该努力探索,使孩子成为一个受欢迎的人、一个高情商的人。See the title, you might jump up, so small children you let her take responsibility? In fact, the child’s sense of responsibility on cultivating. Children should begin to do things on their own responsibility, establish responsibility consciousness.When the children have a lot of toys everywhere, parents can call their children to tidy away the toys, or lead his own pack. The child fell things for him to pick up, after a fall get up his own. Every child can do their own thing, parents should let their children do.The character of the children are nurtured in the daily life, as parents should be more efforts to explore, to make the child become a popular person, a high EQ people.

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