
 时间:2024-10-14 07:50:00

1、和面knead包饺子之前都是要先做饺子皮的,先在面粉中加入成比例的水,搅拌均匀之后揉匀称直到成为面团。Before making dumplings are to do the wrappers, first in the flour to add proportional water, stir evenly after kneading symmetry until the dough.


2、洗菜Wash the dishes先洗菜,洗干净后将菜切成小丁。Wash the vegetables first, then cut them into small cubes.


3、切肉Cut the meat将肉洗干净剁成肉末。Wash the meat and chop it into mince.


4、做馅料Do stuffing将菜和肉末倒在一起进行搅拌,直到他们完全混合均匀。Stir together the vegetables and minced meat until they are thoroughly mixed.


5、擀面皮Rolling face将面团分成一个个小团,然后用擀面杖将他们擀成圆形。Break the dough into small pieces and roll them into a circle with a rolling pin.


6、包饺子Ma氯短赤亻ke dumplings拿起一块圆形面皮,在中间放一小块馅料,周围图上一圈水,然后将面皮对折,捏紧,由于有水,所以会粘的很紧。Take a round piece of dough and place a small piece of filling in the middle. Place a circle of water around it. Then fold the dough in half and pinch tightly.


7、注意事项Precautions在包饺子的过程中可能每一步都会遇到一些困难,要勇于面对困难并且克服它,比方辔亿呶邂说在搅拌馅料的时候可能会用到很长时间才能匀称,要有耐心。There may be some difficulties in the process of making dumplings every step of the way. Face them bravely and overcome them. For example, it may take a long time to make the filling evenly.

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