Eclipse之Pydev,Unable to read repository at.

 时间:2024-10-12 20:39:41

1、安装完Eclipse后,点击“Window –> Preferences”,在弹出的页面里,选择“Network Connections”,在右边的【Active Provider】的下拉框选中【Menual】

Eclipse之Pydev,Unable to read repository at.


Eclipse之Pydev,Unable to read repository at.

3、此时再点击Help->Install New Software... 在弹出的对话框中,点Add 按钮。 Name中填:Pydev, Location中填

Eclipse之Pydev,Unable to read repository at.


Eclipse之Pydev,Unable to read repository at.

5、安装好pydev后, 需要配置Python解释器。在Eclipse菜单栏中,点击Windows ->Preferences.在对话框中,点击pyDev->Interpreter - Python. 点击New按钮, 选择python.exe的路径, 打开后显示出一个包含很多复选框的窗口. 点OK

Eclipse之Pydev,Unable to read repository at.
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