1、东北站 小鸡炖蘑菇:Stewed chicken with mushroom 朝鲜冷面:vinegar noo颊俄岿髭dle 锅包肉:double cooked pork slices 坐在东北的热炕头,吃着本山大叔“热情推荐”的热腾腾的小鸡炖蘑菇,看着外面皑皑的白雪,也是蛮有感觉的嘛~~
2、华北站 驴肉:ass meat 北京烤鸭:Beijing Duck 天津狗不理包子:Tanjin Goubuli Stuffed bun 烙饼:flapjack 堂堂山东就只有烙饼留在人们的心中吗?汗啊~~其实北方有很多好吃的,不是只有煎饼的啦!
3、东南站 大闸蟹:live fresh water cra水瑞侮瑜b 包公鱼:Plectorhynchus 艘早祓胂cinctus(Grunt) 西湖糖醋鱼(西湖醋鱼):West Lake Fish in Vinegar Gravy 水煮鱼:Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil 热干面:hot dry noodles/hot noodles with sesame paste 佛跳墙:Fotiaoqiang--Steamed Abalone with Shark’s Fin and Fish Maw in Broth (Lured by its delicious aroma even the Buddha jumped over the wall to eat this dish。) 叉烧:barbecued pork 蛋挞:egg tart 湿润的气候,如画的风景,精致的南国风光,富庶的鱼米之乡,小吃怎么少的了?背着行囊速度南下!!
4、西南站 毛氏红烧肉:Mao braised pork with grown sauce 火锅:hot pot/chafing dish 过桥米线:crossing-over bridge rice nood