2、首先介绍fin蟠校盯昂dstr:先做一个字符串数组:a = 'this is an example.刻八圄俏9;;然后在a中找出相应的字符或字符串:bb = findstr(a,'is');返回值bb为字符串is中第一个字母在a中的位置。
4、strtok主要用于一个一个提取字符串中的字符,应该是以空格为单位:在上述命令的基础上,输入如下命令:stok = a;for jj = 1:4[sstok,stok] = strtok(stok);sstokend得到的结果如下:
6、下面给出一个function,可以替换文本中想要替换的字符串。%%%%%%%% this file was used to replace a string with a new one;function replacement(filename,old_str,new_str)%%% filename was the file of the string which was changed;%%% old_str was the string which you want to change.%%% new_str was the string which you want to change to.%%% the changed file will be saved in another file which %%% the name will be renamed as 'new_file.dat';fid = fopen(filename,'r');while feof(fid) == 0 tline = fgetl(fid); tline01 = strrep(tline,old_str,new_str); ffid = fopen('new_file.dat','a+'); fprintf(ffid,'%s\n',tline01); fclose(ffid);endfclose(fid);