
 时间:2024-10-15 10:50:44

1、Take it slow 放慢节奏不要让热情在最开始就耗尽When the adventure of a new language starts, your enthusiasm knows no bounds. On the one hand, that’s something very positive. On the other hand, it’s important not to rely on enthusiasm alone.当一门新的语言带来的挑战刚开始时,你的热情是无限的。一方面,这是很积极的事。另一方面,不单单依靠热情也是很重要的。When the newness and initial excitement has worn off, you might not know where to find the motivation to learn. That’s why it’s necessary to steer your initial exuberance in the right direction, and not let it disappear like a flash in the pan.当新鲜感和一开始的兴奋褪去,你可能就找不到学习的动机了。这就是为什么将你最初的情感控制在一个正确的方向是必要的,不要让它如同昙花一现般消失。

2、The benefits of a bad memory健忘的好处 学会聪明地运用记忆力We’re talking to all those people who think that memorization is the key to everything, to everyone who boasts about their photographic memory, and to everyone who gets stuck on vocabulary lists.我们在和所有认为记忆力是一切的关键的人对话,在和所有为自己过目不忘的记忆力而得意洋洋的人对话,在和所有记忆词汇表有困难的人对话。Don’t get us wrong: a good memory is definitely helpful, but one should not forget (no pun intended) to use and train it the right way.别误会我们:好的记忆力固然很有帮助,但是一个人不要忘记,要用正确的方法来使用并培养它。Use your memory and make it your ally. Learn phrases and words with which you can make associations or create mnemonic devices. And when a word doesn’t seem to want to come out, find an alternative or paraphrase what you mean.利用好你的记忆力,使之成为你的助手。学习一些可以使你产生联想或运用记忆技巧的词语和短语。当你想不起一个词的时候,找一个近义词或将你的意思解释出来。

3、Nobody's perfect 人无完人不要一开始就苛求做到最完美No one is perfect… and you shouldn’t try to be! One of the first obstacles you encounter on the path to “fluent mastery” of a language is the absurd and premature demand you place on yourself to speak with perfect and error-free pronunciation and grammar.人无完人······你不必苛求自己尽善尽美!你在通往“熟练掌握一门语言”的路上遇到的第一个阻碍就是,要求自己讲外语时拥有零瑕疵的发音和语法,这种要求是荒谬且不成熟的。Of course, you can and will get there with a lot of practice, but it shouldn’t be the highest priority when you’re getting to know a completely new language.当然,你可以,也应该通过大量的练习做到这一点,但是当你学习一门完全陌生的语言时,你不必将其作为头号任务。

4、All work and no play只工作不娱乐 你需要奖励自己,快乐地学习It’s exactly you – so tirelessly and steadfastly learning – who we’re speaking to here: Are you finally going to get up out of that chair, or do you want to put down roots right where you’re sitting? You’re diligent and persistent.我们就是对这样的你——一直不知疲倦地学习——所说的:你打算从椅子上起来吗?或者说你是想在椅子上扎根吗?你勤奋且坚忍不拔。You’ve used your memory and your desire to learn in the best way possible. You’ve trusted yourself to speak to people because you understand that we all learn from making mistakes. And now? Now it’s time to give yourself a reward!你尽可能以最好的方式运用自己的记忆力和学习的欲望。你相信自己能够在人们面前说外语,因为你明白失败乃成功之母。现在呢?给自己奖励的时间到了!When you set such a big goal as learning a new language, it’s important now and then to pat yourself on the back and enjoy the success you’ve achieved.当你将学习一门新的语言作为自己的目标时,那么现在奖励一下自己,好好享受成功也是很重要的。Watch a film, sing a song at the top of your lungs, or listen to the radio… but, of course, in the language you’re learning! When you couple language learning with activities that bring you joy, you’ll learn more effectively and remember what you’ve learned more easily.看看电影、放声歌唱、或者听听广播······但是,当然是和你所学语言相关的!当你将学习语言和快乐的活动结合在一起的时候,你会更有效地学习,并更轻松地记住所学的内容。

5、The goal is always within sight总是设置现实的目标不要从一开始就制定太遥远的目标Learn the art of always keeping your goal within sight. Of course, anyone could say that learning for learning’s sake is the ideal pictureof education… that goes without saying.学习设置眼前的目标的技巧。当然,谁都会说,为了学而学就是教育的写照,这不必说。But if you want to reach the end of the road, it’s important that you’re aware of why you stepped onto the path in the first place.但如果你想走到路的尽头,明白自己当初为什么走上这条路是很重要的Why are you learning a new language? For love? To get a raise? Because you want to try your luck in a new country? Because you can’t stand films that are dubbed?你为什么想学习一门新的语言?为了爱情?为了加薪?为了在一个新的国家碰碰运气?因为无法忍受影片的翻译?Keep your goal in sight and imagine that with every tiny step forward, the path to your goal gets shorter and the top of the mountain gets closer.设置现实的目标,想象你每前进一小步,通往目标的路就越短,你距离山顶就越近。


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