高估 低估 用英语怎么说

 时间:2024-10-16 08:55:24

overestimate 畅通词汇 

英 [ˌəʊvər'estɪmeɪt]     美 [ˌoʊvər'estɪmeɪt]    

v. 过高估计;过高出价

n. 估计过高;评价过高;出价过高

I overestimated the amount of milk we'd need for the weekend.


Most customers overestimated the price of the dress.


高估 低估 用英语怎么说

underestimate 畅通词汇 

英 [ˌʌndər'estɪmeɪt]     美 [ˌʌndər'estɪmeɪt]    

n. 低估

v. 低估

The figure of $10 million was a serious underestimate.


It seems to have been due to his consistent underestimate of her political weight.


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