
 时间:2024-10-16 20:07:53

1、作为插入语,用于强调某个事实或观点,例如:There is no denying that climate change is a serious issue.(毫无疑问,气候变化是一个严重的问题。)

2、作为句首短语,用于引出一个酹汹钕拚论述,例如:There is no denying that technology has 爿讥旌护greatly improved our lives, but it has also brought about new challenges.(毫无疑问,技术极大地改善了我们的生活,但也带来了新的挑战。)

3、作为句中短语,用于强调某个糙怍牢莱事实或观点,例如:The company has faced many challenges in recent years, but there is no denying that its products are of high quality.(这家公司近年来面临许多挑战,但毫无疑问,它的产品质量很高。)

4、作为否定短语,用于表示某个事实或观点是不可否认的,例如:There is no denying that he is a talented musician, but he needs to work on his stage presence.(毫无疑问,他是一位有才华的音乐家,但他需要在舞台表现方面加强。)

5、作为肯定短语,用于表示某个事实或观点是可以肯定的,例如:There is no denying that she worked hard to achieve her success.(毫无疑问,她为取得成功而努力工作。)

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