
 时间:2024-10-15 06:46:43


F**k you an颊俄岿髭d your mom and your sister and your job。

And your broke-ass car and that shit you call art。

F**k you and your friends that I'll never see again。

Everybody but your dog, you can all fνck off。

I swear I meant to mean the best when it ended。

Even tried to bite my tongue when you start shit。

Now you're textin' all my friends asking questions。

They never even liked you in the first place。

Dated a girl that I hate for the attention。

She only made it two days, what a connection。

It's like you'd do anything for my affection。

You're goin' all about it in the worst ways。

I was into you, but I'm over it now。

And I was tryin' to be nice。

But nothing's getting through, so let me spell it out。

A-B-C-D-E, F-U。

And your mom and your sister and your job。

And your broke-ass car and that shit you call art。

you and your friends that I'll never see again。

Everybody but your dog, you can all fνck off。

Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah, nah。

A-B-C-D-E, F-U。

And your mom and your sister and your job。




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