1、flat out:翻译:你有很多的工作要做,甚至没有时间休息。I'll be flat out next week because there's a new shipment arriving.下周有得我忙了,因为有新的货物到达。I've been flat out all week, I am exhausted!这周忙得我筋疲力尽了!
2、train of thought:翻译:一连串的思想或思路。Oh! I've lost my train of thought! What was I talking about?我走神了,我都说了些什么?My mum called and completely disrupted my train of thought.我妈的电话,彻底打乱了我的思路。
3、on track:翻译:按计划的痘痉颔湄那样执行;在轨道上走。We missed the deadline last week, but we 茑霁酌绡have just submitted the report now, so we are getting back on track.我们上周错过了最后期限,但是我们刚刚提交了报告,所以我们正在回到正轨。Are you on track to complete the report by the end of the week?您是否能按计划在本周末之前完成报告?
4、off track:翻译:与on track相反,没在计划之中,脱离了计划。(开会没讨论正事时,可以说)We are getting off track here荑樊综鲶, guys.伙计, 我们跑题了。(和别人谈话时跑题了,可以说)Sorry, I'm getting off track.不好意思,跑偏了。I don't wantto get off track, but we can all agree that the new marketing manager is difficult to get along with.我也不想这样,但大家都认为新的营销经理很难相处。We should have completed the work by new, but the team got off track with some technical issues.我们现在应该已经完成了这项工作,但是一些技术问题导致了团队的脱节。
5、bank on:翻译:期望或指望某件事会发生。I'm banking on Mike to getapromotion so that I can apply for his position.我指望迈克能获得晋升,以便我可以申请他的职位。I wouldn't bank on it.我不指望这事件。
6、bru衡痕贤伎sh up on:翻译:更新或提升技能。I'm brushing up on my Italian because I泌驾台佐39;ve got a business trip in July.我要提升我的意大利语,因为我7月要去出差。I got the job at the publishing company! But I really need to brush up on my editing skills, I'm out of practice!我在出版公司找到了这份工作! 但是我真的需要提高自己的编辑技能,我已经不习惯了!
7、bring something to the table:翻译:提供一些好的,有用的事物。一般指为团队带来好的经验或技能等。The great thing about Sam is that she brings years of managementexperience to the table.萨姆的伟大之处在于,她带来了多年的管理经验。What have you brought to the table?你带来了什么?(在会议上这样问意为你带来了什么建议或意见)
8、bring up:翻译:提及或引入一个主题。I'll bring it up with Stefanie when I see her next week.我会在下周看到Stefanie时提起的。
9、turn down:翻译:回绝或否定掉某事物。He turned it down because they offered him the promotion, but told him that they couldn't increase his salary.他拒绝了,因为他们给了他晋升,但是告诉他不能增加他的工资。
10、wing it:翻译:没准备的情况下,被迫的即兴做,表演等。My presentationis on my laptop, which I left at home. I'll just have to wing it.我的演示文稿在我家里的笔记本电脑上。 我只能即兴说了。
11、off-the-cuff:翻译:没准备的情况下,很乐意的即兴做,表演等。Paul won an award last night and made a fantastic speech, totally off-the-cuff!保罗昨晚赢得了一个奖项,并发表了一个非常棒的即兴演讲!