
 时间:2024-10-14 02:42:39






1、RebornYou were reborn from the Well of Souls, and have escaped Allestar Tower.从灵魂之井(Well of Souls)复活并成功从Allestar Tower脱出


2、No Destiny, All DeterminationYou have met High King Titarion, and have been confronted with the true scope of your powers.与High King Titarion相遇并找到自己隐藏的真正力量


3、Turning the TideA ruse has baited Oct坡纠课柩ienne into betraying the necromantic nature of his experiments.使用妙计哄骗Octienne说出实验的秘密


4、Hero of Mel SenshirYou have defeated the great Balor.消灭Balor


5、Destiny DefiantYou have defeated Tirnoch, and defied destiny.消灭Tirnoch并选择与命运对抗


6、Destiny DominatedYou have won the game on Hard difficulty.在Hard难度下将游戏通关


7、StreakerYou spoke to someone while not wearing clothes.裸体跟别人说话

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