
 时间:2024-10-16 17:01:01

1、直接表达:“小时+分钟”如1:20“one twenty”3:25“three twentyfive”

2、如表达的时间在半个小时内:“分钟+past+小时”如1:20 “twenty past one”3:25 “twentyfive past three”

3、如果表达的时间在半小时外:“相差的分钟+to+下一个小时”如1:40 “twenty to two”10:45 “fifteen to eleven”

4、如果表达的时间刚好是半个小时,则:“half+past+小时”如3:30 “half past three”6:30“half past six”(half是一半的意思)

5、如果表达的时间和15有关,则有两种情境的表达:如3:15 “a quarter past three”(a quarter+past+小时)3:45 “a quarter to four” (a quarter+to+下一个小时)

6、如果是整点则有两种表达:2:00“it争犸禀淫's two/it's two o'clock”3:00“it's three/it's thr髫潋啜缅ee o'clock”

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