会计英语 b/d c/d 或者是b/f c/f 具体什么用法

 时间:2024-10-17 07:20:07

balance b/f 承前页

balance c/f 过此页

balance b/d 余额结转

balance c/d 期初余额

(本期的“balance c/d 期初余额”与上期“balance b/d 余额结转”是一个意思)其实在一定程度上前两者和后两者的意思是一样的。

"Blance Sheet 也就是资产负债表上的科目大多用b/f ,c/f 如:asset,inventory,debtor,
Income Statement也就是损益表 上的科目大多用 b/d c/d b/d brought down c/d carried down

c/d means carried down.

The balance of an account at the end of an accounting period,which will be taken forward to become the balance at the beginning of a new period.

b/d means brought down.

The balance of an account at the beginning of a new accounting period,which was also the balance at the end of the previous period.

c/f means carried forward.

Previous balance on an account which is carried over to the next billing period.

b/f means brought forward.

a balance which is entered in an account at the end of a period and is then taken to be the starting point of the next period.

会计英语 b/d c/d 或者是b/f c/f 具体什么用法








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