
 时间:2024-10-17 00:55:10

1、在百度里面搜索 ParetoLogic FileCure 下载。

2、打开 ParetoLogic FileCure 。




4、显示没有 no problems 就是没有问题。


5、接下来点击fix now ,下一步就需要注册了。

6、下面国外用户对这个软件的评论:I was really frustrated when it told me it couldn't open my file. I just couldn't figure out the problem. Then I searched and came to your site. It's really helpful to fix my problem. Thanks!---Cathy D, UKIt's so easy to open my files now! Thank you so much!---Jason W, CAEvery day I received too many strange files from my writers and I need to spend lots of time searching ways to open those files. Now with your website and tutorial, life becomes easier!---Amanda K, US

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