wait to do 和wait doing怎么用

 时间:2024-10-11 21:57:53

wait to do 等待着做某事

wait doing是错误用法。


wait to do sth 等待做某事

wait for sb/sth 等待某人/物

wait for(one's) doing 等待做某事

can't wait to do sth 迫不及待某做事

wait to do 和wait doing怎么用


1、The longer you wait to do something, the more difficult it will be to get it done.


2、Dont put off your dreams. Dont wait to do, try, enjoy all of those someday items.


3、Jeff Haden summarizes the value of having a daily to-do list beautifully: You dont wait to do the work until you get the dream job-you do the work in order to get the dream job.


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