unable to find a version of runtime to run t

 时间:2024-10-30 04:20:40

1、首先百度搜索【Net framework卸载工具】,下载下来,下载时要注意,很多网站会附带广告软件,请谨慎下载,如果不放心,可以到我的百度云盘下载:http://pan.baidu.com/s/1qWNzquK

unable to find a version of runtime to run t
unable to find a version of runtime to run t
unable to find a version of runtime to run t
unable to find a version of runtime to run t

2、解压需要密码,及我们网页下载时提示的密码:www.epinv.com ,输入密码进行解压

unable to find a version of runtime to run t
unable to find a version of runtime to run t

3、然后单击文件进行Net framework清理,清理时间较长,请耐心等待

unable to find a version of runtime to run t
unable to find a version of runtime to run t
unable to find a version of runtime to run t
unable to find a version of runtime to run t

4、清理完毕后,很多网友会让你下载【Net framework 4.0】,但还是没用,所以还要下载【Net framework 3.5】,在百度搜索输入关键字进行下载,我就不发连接了,上传速度太慢了

unable to find a version of runtime to run t
unable to find a version of runtime to run t


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