fm2017 提示与技巧

 时间:2024-10-27 00:30:43

1、The Corners attribute reflects how well the player takes a corner. Taking advantage of set-pieces is important, and having a capable corner taker to put the ball into key areas is useful.角球体现球员开角球的质量。充分利用任意球是很重要的,拥有一个可靠的角球主罚者将球送进关键区域非常有用。

fm2017 提示与技巧

2、Crossing indicates a player's proficiency at crossing the ball from wide areas into the penalty box.传中反应球员从边路传中到大禁区的精确度。

fm2017 提示与技巧

3、Kicking is the physical capability of a goalkeeper to kick the ball - this purely defines the distance he can reach with a kick from hand or from the ground. his Passing rating will define how accurate his kicks are.开球,体现了守门员开球的身体能力。开球属性仅仅决定了开球的距离长短。传球属性才决定了开球的准确度。

fm2017 提示与技巧

4、Reactions show how good the goalkeeper is at reacting to unpredictable events. If he has a high Reflexes rating, he will be able to respond to the unforeseen with more success and be able to pull off highlight reel saves, or clear the ball to safety.反应,体现了守门员处理预料之外的事情时的能力。如果反应高,守门员可以更成功地应付不可见的情形并且做出精彩扑救或者将球解围。

fm2017 提示与技巧

5、inishing: The player's ability to put the ball in the back of the net when presented with a chance. A high Finishing attribute will put the shot on target a majority of the time as a bare minimum but, compared to a player with poorer Finishing, will find the places where the goalkeeper can't save it. This is purely the ability of the player to perform an accurate shot - Composure and Decisions will also impart on the ability of a player to score consistently.射门体现球员球员面对机会时将球送入球门的能力。一个高射门属性球员大部分时间都能把球射在门框范围内,也能找到守门员扑救不到的死角。射门单纯体现球员射门的精度,镇定还有决断都会对球员得分的稳定性产生影响。

fm2017 提示与技巧
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