
 时间:2024-10-14 23:48:52

1、应试作文杀招根据曹其军老师讲稿整理总原则之一:应试作文以又臭又长为好:臭——全是废话(改卷老师不会看你的内容的);长——是很多废话的堆积;所以,考研作文要写到280——300字为好。总原则之二:要有固定,漂亮的“外表”分析历年试题,考研出题类型不外乎四种:(问题)单向类、(好现象)单向类、双向类、图表加前三种。一、(问题)单向格式总共是三段段一:S1+S2+S3+S4+S5(S——sentence)共5句话,一共60字左右,下面给出每句话可以套用的格式,这些漂亮的格式是一定要牢记和熟背的!S1是介绍,固定格式有1.The past few years(decades)havewitnessed us (our society) faced with the issue of……2. In recent years there has been a growing concern among the general publicover the issue of……3. Nothing can be more serious (upsetting ,outstanding, meaningful…) than theissue of……S2+S3运用Flex技巧进行扩展和包装,这些Flex技巧在后面详细给出,要熟背!运用statistics:According to a recent survey made by Dr. Cao, head of sociology department at Beijing University,70%....;and 30%....(在此直接用数字,不要写英文,一般写两句随便给出两个数据足够)S4 “同一份调查还表明…(又给出另一个数据)The same survey also shows that +(又一数据)S5收尾,与S1呼应,“由此可见,…问题已经非常严重了”It can be concluded, therefore, that the issue of……has become more and moreserious (harmful).段二:120——140字左右开头:S1 : 10 words1. To account for the above-mentioned phenomenon (issue,tendency), variousreasons (causes) have been put forward.2.The above problem (phenomenon) may well give rise to some effects(consequences) as follow.S2+S3+S4: 50 words开始列举了,但是千万不要用那些滥词:first,second,firstly,secondly,印象分会降低,要用些漂亮的词,尽可能用短语:In the very beginning,+S2In the first place,In the second place, In the end,+S3 +S4What is more, Last butS2,S3,S4在简单阐述了各自一个观点之后,就开始进行Flex扩展,扩展可运用Quotation或是Example达到增加60——80字:Quotation:To illustrate the point, let’s take a look at what ……(President Cliton) said inan article :“。。。。”所以,整个第二段是核心段,基本结构是:开头S1(10字)+ S2扩展S3 50字扩展共扩展60-80字S4扩展段三(解决方法,suggestions)100 wordsS1 15 words1.We should take immediate measures, for if the present situation continues asbefore, serious outcome will come up.2. It is high time that (immediate measures be taken now.) (such a problem beput an end to.) (a reform be made.)S2+S3+S4+S5+S6 100 words or soS2 On one hand, we should urge our government to lay down stricter rules toforbid……S3 Should anyone dare to break the law, he to she should be put into jail for 5years.S4 In addition , our government should put in more money to protect (encourage) …….S5 On the other hand, we should try every means to enhance the public awarenessof the issue of…..S6 Only through these measures, I firmly believe, will the above-discussedproblem be efficiently resolved.

2、二、(好现象)单向类段一介绍60字段二分析重要性原因(或结果benefits)做法段三结论(要重视)段一介绍开头:Nothing can be more outstanding(meaningful ) than ……接下来运用的扩展和(问题)单向类相同段二分析(1)开头:The above phenomenon may wellgive rise to some benefits as follow.(2) benefits社会的经济的个人的(3)做法As the phenomenon is important ,we can approach it in the following ways.接下来运用扩展技巧段三结论重视社会生活(money,awareness)个人生活(awareness,我的决心等等)说明:该现象为较大类的,如希望工程,就可以加上社会的重视;较小的如交朋友,信念如明灯,就只用个人生活的做法。开头:It goes without saying that dueattention should be paid to the phenomenon.

3、三、双向类(一)A1 VS A2 = contrast “对照”即是一个事物的两方面做比较,如看电视的利弊,出国留学等等,A1好,A2坏;或是A1坏,A2好;(二)A VS B = compare对比即是两个事物做比较,如锻炼是跑步好还是做操好等,A B同好或是同不好但是两种题型结构都是一样的,如下:段一摆擂台,展现“两”面段二回到A(A1)单向分析原因,或结果,重要性,做法段三回到B(A2)段四结尾选择类A or B表态类(用死不表态法)A1 vs A2段一1.When it comes to the issue(phenomenon) of ……( tuition fee;TV effects), different people have radicallydifferent opinions. Some people hold onto the idea that……. Other people ,however, deem that…….2. As regards the issue of……,there is a popular discussion. Some people … Otherpeople ,however,……段二开头:…… because of the followingfactors.接下来和单向类的段二相同段三开头By comparison,A or BIn the similar way,By contrast,A1 VS A2Quite on the contrary,接下来和单向类段二相同段四表态类(死不表态法)Just as any coin has two sides, it’s no exception with the issue of …. Actuallythe issue is just like a double-edged sword,and we should try every means toavoid itsharmfulness while at the same time, making the most of its advantages.选择类As discussed above, each side has its advantages and disadvantages. If I’mallowed to make a decision, I prefer A to B ( B to A) , for the followingreasons. On onehand,….. On the other hand,……

4、四、图表类此类作文是近年来的热点,但这类作文只有段一和前三类不同,其他都一样的来写.每一幅图画(表),尤其是cartoon,是要表达一个philosophy(哲理),因此,段一就是描述这一哲理的段落,但是描述的时候只用一到两句话来“轻描淡写”说出这个哲理即可。近年来几乎考的都是cartoon,但是一定不要陷如误区以为要对cartoon进行大量的描写,象今年考的养老的cartoon,其实就两句话描述一下画面就马上引出你的结论,接着就开始拿问题类作文的格式一套,so easy!段一:一、“从这幅漫画中我们可以得出这样一个结论:……”1.As can be seen from the cartoon,we are able to arrive at a conclusion that ……2. As shown from the above picture, one point is obvious.(1)两张图○1Upon carefully observation, we will findthat the two pictures above are closely related in meaning. ○2In the upper one,_____。○3In the lowerone, however,_____。○4The picturesconvey a clear and strong message to us that_____。(2)一张图○1There has been a discussion recently about apicture in which _____。○2_____。○3_____。○4The picturesconvey a clear and strong message to us that_____。用以上两个模板对付所有的Describe要求的首段应该不成问题了。有模板撑着,只要在划横线的地方随便对图片做一些描写就OK了。二、如果是graph作文,则一定会有数据,就一定会表现出一定的趋势(tendency,trend)There has been a gradual(slow,sharp) increase(decrease) in the number (amount,size ) of ……over the past few years (decades).There has been ……increase……of …….while there has been ……decrease ……of …..将趋势描述出来后,再在graph上找出两个同类数据来支持我们的结论就ok了。不要将graph上的所有数据都列举出来。段二,段三,段四就和单向或双向作文一模一样了。第二段的提问方式目前有两种:Interrept(点明旨意)和example(举例)。我们分别“对症下药”(1) Interrept(点明旨意)型的:○1The picture is based on the realities ofsociety. ○2Just like theperson in the picture, some people_____. ○3_____。○4_____。○5Such cases can be found in almost all walks of life.(2) example(举例):○1Since many of the philosophic principle weadhere to are adstracted from the daily life, it is easy to find that examplesin the world around us. ○2The ideaillustrated in this picture is no exception. ○3Forexample_____。○4_____。○5_____。○6In fact,everyone has surely seen similar evidence of this truth in the their own life.一般有模板撑着,在空缺的地方补上一两句简单的话就可以了。关键是第三段,大多数情况是Comment(评论),一般都是就事论事,很难找到通打一切的模板。这就显出了曹其军的高明之处。据我们曹爷分析,但凡评论或建议,抽象后就只够两个方面了:好的和不好的。所以只要准备两个高度抽象的评论段落,就OK了。好在我们曹爷已经为我们想好了。请看:(1)对于不好现象的评论:Considering the current issue and worsening situation, we should call for someimmediate action imposed by the authorities. In other words, our government ofvarious levels must make relevant plans or rules to guarantee a proper orderand justice. Beside, the general public should also be made aware that anyprompt solution is of benefit to all. Therefore, it’s the duty of ordinarypeople to actively participate in the action.(2)对于好现象的评论:So far it’s not difficult to see that a positive attitude should be maintainedhere. For one thing, each one of us must be aware of its significance andpossible beneficial effects. This way we can translate into proper action indaily life. For the other, some positive action should also be encouraged inthe whole society.把上面两段狂背下来。这里要说的是,在第三段的提问中,Suggest(给建议)就等于Comment(评论),Implication(联系实际),就套第二段的example(举例)即可。三大扩展技巧——Flex扩展技巧是帮助自己在没话可说的时候达到快速增加作文字数的最有效的方法,运用flex的目的就是想让文章长就长,爱短就短。因此可以熟练运用flex来控制字数。一、Quotation引用就是随便找一个人出来,介绍他一番,引用他的话,然后说我就是这样想的。(大约增加50字)而且引用此人的话一定要用:“。。。。”这样的直接引语格式,直接用现在时的时态,避免自己在时态上出错。To illustrate the point, let’s take a look at what President Bush said in anarticle: “……”.二、Example举例(可以通过天花乱坠的想象来达到)如:只要一举例,凡是好事就说象my friend,Jerry,怎么怎么样;而凡是坏事就说象my neighbor如何如何。e.g. 2000年考研作文图画是为什么船多而鱼少了呢?举例:我邻居20人,每人每天吃5条鱼,吃一年下来,可想而知道。据了解,有70%的中国家庭都是这么干的!(这几句用英文写出来,嘿嘿,你看看有多少字了?)因此从上面这个例子你可以发现你在作文当中写的什么内容不要害怕其是否真实,因为内容改卷老师是不会留意的,你的目标就是把作文写的尽可能的长还有段首段尾的句子足够漂亮。三、Statistics统计数字就是随便找数字,成立一个统计结果,格式可以参考我们在问题类作文段一时候的举例。最后强调:1.上面用英文列出的句式一定要熟记背牢,当然,你再另外总结一些类似的句式,尤其是能大量用上考研单词的句式。2.四类作文的结构要熟记,三大Flex要时时会用,常常是无法想象或没有东西可写的时候,Flex就要派上用场。3.训练作文可以从12月上旬开始,就拿历年的考题来,先判断是哪类作文,然后用中文把整篇文章的结构先构思出来,如往年的cartoon,说的是养老足球赛,段一就简单描述一下画面马上引出,现在养老的问题得到社会的越来越多的重视,接着段二就开始分析为什么会出现儿女不愿意养老的原因,第一,第二,第三是因为什么什么,每一点原因进行扩展;段三就提出对策(因为是问题类作文)。

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