1、表示事实假设:用于假设某件事情未发生时,情况会有什献垴淄睬么不同。例如,“If I had studied harder, I would have passed the exam.”(如果我学习更刻苦一些,我会通过考试的。)
2、表示事实的真假:用于表示某个假设的事实是真实的还是虚假的。例如,“If the earth were flat, we would fall off the edge.”(如果地球是平的,我们会掉下去。)
3、表示责任推论:用于推论出某人或某个因素是某种结果发生的原因。例如,“If the company had installed better security, the break-in would not have occurred.”(如果公司安装了更好的安保措施,这次入室行窃就不会发生了。)
4、表示结果的可能性:用于探讨某个结果是否可能发生。例如,“If I win the lottery, I will buy a mansion.”(如果我中了彩票,我会买一栋豪宅。)
5、表示反驳其他观点:用于反驳其他观点或假设。例如,“If guns were outlawed, only outlaws would have guns.”(如果枪支被禁止,只有歹徒才会拥有枪支。)