3、书写hmtl代艨位雅剖码。<div id="content"> <稆糨孝汶;article id="manned-flight"> <header> <h1>First manned flights</h1> </header> <p>The first clearly recorded instance of a balloon carrying passengers used hot air to generate buoyancy and was built by the brothers Joseph-Michel and Jacques-Etienne Montgolfier in Annonay, France. After experimenting with unmanned balloons and flights with animals, the first tethered balloon flight with humans on board took place on October 15, 1783.</p> <nav class="next-prev"> <hr /> <a class="next frameless-parachute" href="#frameless-parachute">Next</a> </nav> </article> <article id="frameless-parachute"> <header> <h1>The frameless parachute</h1> </header> <p>André-Jacques Garnerin carried out the first jump with a silk parachute on October 22, 1797 at Parc Monceau, Paris. Garnerin's first parachute resembled a closed umbrella before he ascended; at a height of approximately 3,000 feet he severed the rope that connected his parachute to the balloon, and the basket fell to earth. Garnerin emerged uninjured.</p> <nav class="next-prev"> <a class="prev manned-flight" href="#manned-flight">Prev</a> <hr /> <a class="next english-channel" href="#english-channel">Next</a> </nav> </article></div>
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