be dressed in用法

 时间:2024-10-26 11:37:13

1、bedressed in的短语可以用wear替换,意思为穿着。

2、用法:bedressed in后面通常跟着衣物的名词或名词词组,相当于动词wear。

3、例句:The Policeman patrolling the streets wasdressed in uniform.在街上巡逻的警察穿着制貅冥尜坼服。结构分析:The Policeman patrolling the streets是主语(patrolling the streets是-ing式词组作后置定语),wasdressed是被动谓语,in uniform是主语补语。

4、例句:麻质跹礼例句:Why does the man suggest the woman wear long sleeves患修校楷? 为什么这位先生建议女士穿长袖?结构分析:Why 是状语,the man是主语,does suggest是谓语,后接宾语从句,the woman是主语,wear是谓语,long sleeves是宾语。

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