
 时间:2024-10-14 09:52:41

1、产生原因根据提示:是数据库innodb_table_stats 表中table_name一栏长度异常导致的。

2、解决方法1:执行mysl更新mysql_upgrade --host=‘’ --port=3306 --user=‘root’ --password=“root”2:重启数据库mysqlservice mysql restart

3、官网bug修改mysql 官网Bug FixedBugs FixedImportant Change; Partitioning: After creating partitioned InnoDB tables with very long names, the table_name columns in the corresponding entries in the mysql.innodb_index_stats and mysql.innodb_table_stats system tables were truncated. To fix this issue, the length of the table_name column in each of these tables has been increased from 64 to 199 characters. In both cases, this is now the same as the lengths of these columns in MySQL 8.0.When upgrading to this release, use mysql_upgrade to effect these changes in your MySQL installation. In the event that you fail to do this, MySQL generates the warning Table mysql/innodb_table_stats has length mismatch in the column name table_name. Please run mysql_upgrade in the error log.

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