1、if ~isempt鲻戟缒男y(get(groot,'CurrentFigure')) %如果现有的窗口没有图disp('Ther髫潋啜缅e are existing figures.') %显示There are existing figureselse disp('There are no existing figures.') %显示There are no existing figuresend
2、if ~isempt鲻戟缒男y(findobj('Tag','myFigures')) disp('Ther髫潋啜缅e are objects with this tag.') %显示There are objects with this tagelse disp('There are no objects with this tag.') %显示There are no objects with this tagend
3、if isgraph坡纠课柩ics(h,'figure') disp('h is a vali颊俄岿髭d figure handle.')else disp('h is not a valid figure handle.')end
4、if isequal(h,groot) disp('h is the root handle')else disp('h is not the root handle')end
5、p = plot(magic(3));par = get(p,'Parent');objarray = [par{:}]';whos objarray
6、p1 = plot(1:10);p2 = p1;p2 == p1
7、l1 = line;l2 = line;isequal(l1,l2)
8、t = num2str(rand);fh = @(t) text(1,1,t);th = cellfun(fh,{t},'UniformOutput',false);