china driving license,国外驾照换中国驾照

 时间:2024-10-11 20:20:16

1、你的外国驾驶执照的翻译在适当的机构,它会保存在密封的信封。 [上车将访问你拿起你的驾驶执照,提前把它翻译Get your 熠硒勘唏foreign driver license translation done at the appropriate agency and it would be kept in the sealed envelope. [Shang Car would visit you and pick up your driver license to get it translated in advance]

2、安排健康检查的时间庆烊监筚雷春路,新庄,上海地方公路管理局。上车的工作人员将公司你有一个健康检查有]这是约10分钟的测试。由于健康的形式都在中国,我们可以帮助填满它。Arrange a Health Check time to Local Road Authority in Qing Chun Rd., Xinzhuang, Shanghai. [Shang Car's staff will company you to have a Health check there] It's about 10 Minutes for the test. Since the health forms are all in Chinese, we help to fill it out.

3、试题的银行在柜台上,他们会给你的考试日期。这是关于公路测试代码的指导和上海世归铽翟克博会相关的问题。 (更新:下载问题银行>>>英语,法语,斟捭苏魍日语,西班牙语,Pусскийязык,中国)Get an Examination Question Bank at the counter and they will give you the examination date. It's about highway code test guidance and Shanghai Expo related questions. (Update: DOWNLOAD THE QUESTION BANK HERE>>>English, Français , Japanese, Español , Pусский язык , Chinese )

4、有时间在指定的日期,你的考试。一旦通过测试,你花几分钟的时间得到处理,并获得中国驾驶执照的同一天。Be there on time at the appointed date, take your examination there. Once passing your test, you spend a few minutes getting processed, and get your Chinese driver license the same day.

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