2、第一种,虚拟语气在条件句中的运用。这里,我们首先讲述第一种情况:真实条件句所谓真实条件句,就是实现的可能性比较大如:If we leave now, we can still catch the bus
4、上述情况下我们举几个例子:IF I were you, I would forgive him.If I knew her telephone number, I would tell you.
5、第二类是与将来事实相反这个时候,条件句需要使用过去式、should do、were to 蟠校盯昂do; sholud/ would do例如:If he shuold come here tomorrow, I should/ would talk to him about this matter.
6、第三类,与过去事实相反,这个时候,条件句用:had +过去分词;should/would/罕铞泱殳could/m足毂忍珩ight have done例句:If he had taken my advice, he would not have made such a mistake.