AM335 OTG 设置

 时间:2024-10-12 18:21:25


AM335 OTG 设置


AM335 OTG 设置

3、Ju衡痕贤伎st coming back to say that I solved this issue by editing the De即枢潋雳vice Tree. Change dr_mode of usb0 in am335x-bone-common.dtsi to “peripheral” (was “host”) and then recompile the dtb. I’m not sure why, but when I tried specifying “otg”, it still didn’t work.

AM335 OTG 设置

4、FYI巳呀屋饔, by configuring the USB0 port as peripheral in the device tree, I was able to get the ethernet-over-usb gadgets to work.« Last Edit: August 28, 2015, 08:42:21 AM by BrianBrianBrian »

AM335 OTG 设置


AM335 OTG 设置


AM335 OTG 设置
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