2、半年永居政策:Article 25.第25条.(1)Permission for a permanent residence may receive aliens: 永久居留许可可授予:6. who has invested more than 1 000 000 BGN or increased their investment with this size through the acquisition of: 投资100万BGN或者通过下列收购方式增加他们的投资:b) shares and treasury bonds and derivative instruments issued by the State or by municipalities, with a residual maturity not less than 6 months;债券和国库券以及国家或市发行的衍生物,剩余期限不少于6个月。Article 25.第25条.(3)The competent authority with the Ministry of Internal Affairs decides on the grant of long-term residence status within three months after submission of application. The time limit may be extended with two months in cases of legal or factual complexities, or where additional documents are necessary. The terms and conditions for issuing of permit are established by the Rules on application of this Act. 在提交申请后的3个月内由内政部主管机关决定准予长期居留身份。在法定或事实复杂性的情况下,或需要额外文件的情况下,期限可能会延长2个月。许可证签发的条款和条件由本法的适用规则确定。
3、5年入籍政策:Article 12a 第12a条Any person, who has been granted a permanent residence permit in pursuance of Items 6, 7 or 8 of Article 25 (1), or in their capacity as family member of such person, or in pursuance of Item 13 of Article 25 (1) in conjunction with Item 2 or 3 of Article 25c (2), or Item 16 of Article 25 (1) of the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act, may acquire Bulgarian citizenship if he or she possesses the qualifications referred to in Items 1, 2, 3 and 4 of Article 12 (1) herein.根据25条第(1)项第6.7.8款任何获得永久居留的人或此人的家庭成员,或根据保加利亚外国人法25条第(1)项第13款和25c条第(2)项第2.3款或25条第(1)项第16款获得保加利亚公民身份只要他或她拥有本法第12条第(1)项第1.2.3和4款中的资格。Article 12第12条(1) Any person, who is not a Bulgarian citizen, may acquire Bulgarian citizenship if, at the date of submission of an application for naturalization, the said person:任何不是保加利亚公民的人都可以获得保加利亚公民身份,如果在递交入籍申请之日,此人:1. has attained the age of 18 years; 已年满18周岁;2. had been granted a permanent or long-term residence permit for the Republic of Bulgaria not less than five years prior to that date; 此前已获得保加利亚共和国永久居留或长期居留许可不少于5年;3. has not been sentenced by a Bulgarian court for a premeditated ublicly indictable offence, and is not subject to criminal roceedings for such an offence, unless the person has been rehabilitated; 没有被保加利亚法院因为有预谋的可公诉的犯罪而判刑,也没有被这种罪行受到刑事诉讼除非此人已被沉冤得雪。
4、2年入籍政策:Article 14a 第14a条(1) Any person, who is not a Bulgarian citizen and who possesses the qualifications referred to in Items 1 and 3 of Article 12 (1) herein, may acquire Bulgarian citizenship by naturalization if: 任何不是保加利亚公民并且拥有本法第12条第(1)项第1.3.款中的资格的人可以获得保加利亚公民身份如果:1. not less than one year theretofore, he or she had been granted a permanent residence permit for the Republic of Bulgaria in pursuance of Item 6 or 7 of Article 25 (1) of the Foreigners in the Republic of Bulgaria Act and has increased his/her investment in compliance with the same conditions of the law to at least BGN 2 million or has invested not less than BGN 1 million in the capital of a Bulgarian commercial corporation which executes a priority investment project certified according to the procedure established by the Investment Promotion Act; 根据保加利亚外国人法25条第(1)项第6.7款已经取得保加利亚共和国永久居留许可不少于1年并且按照法律相同条件增加他/她的投资至少到2百万BGN或者向根据投资促进法确立的程序被认证的实施房地产投资项目的保加利亚商业公司投资不少于1百万BGN的资金;
5、入籍申请周期:Article 35 第35条(1) The Minister of Justice shall make a motion for the issuance of a decree under Article 34 herein within: 司法部长应根据本法第34条的规定,提出颁布法令的议案。5. six months, regarding applications for acquisition of Bulgarian citizenship by naturalization under Articles 12a and 14a herein; 关于根据本法第12a和14a条,通过入籍取得保加利亚公民身份的申请,6个月。