
 时间:2024-10-12 14:31:17

1、美国注册会计师USCPA考试,摆啬牢吉争分夺秒的学习,这固然是一个好的学习方法和理念。但是,学习是否能够收到良好的效果,是否能够充分地发挥自身的学习能力,并不一定是看你一天有多少时间在学习,而是看你的有效学习时间和学习效率。今天宏hongjingedu为你准备的免费模拟题练习是关于AUD科目的。1. An auditor should be aware of subsequent events that provide evidence concerning conditions that did notexist at year end but arose after year end. These events may be important to the auditor because they may:a. Require adjustments to the financial statements as of the year end.b. Require disclosure to keep the financial statements from being misleading.c. Have been recorded based on year-end tests for asset obsolescence.d. Have been recorded based on preliminary accounting estimates.2. An auditor should disclose the substantive reasons for expressing an adverse opinion in a basis formodification paragraph:a. Preceding the introductory paragraph.b. Following the opinion paragraph.c. Preceding the opinion paragraph.d. Within the notes to the financial statements.3.Zag Co. issues financial statements that present financial position and results of operations but Zag omitsthe related statement of cash flows. Zag would like to engage Brown, CPA, to audit its financial statementswithout the statement of cash flows although Brown's access to all of the information underlying the basicfinancial statements will not be limited. Under these circumstances, Brown most likely would:a. Explain to Zag that the omission requires a qualification of the auditor's opinion.b. Prepare the statement of cash flows as an accommodation to Zag and express an unmodified opinion.c. Refuse to accept the engagement as proposed because of the client-imposed scope limitation.d. Add an emphasis-of-matter paragraph to the auditor's report that justifies the reason for the omission.答案及解析如下:1. An auditor should be aware of subsequent events that provide evidence concerning conditions that did not exist at year end but arose after year end. These events may be important to the auditor because they may:a. Require adjustments to the financial statements as of the year end.b. Require disclosure to keep the financial statements from being misleading.c. Have been recorded based on year-end tests for asset obsolescence.d. Have been recorded based on preliminary accounting estimates.ExplanationChoice "b" is correct. Conditions that did not exist at year end but arose after year end are Type 2 (nonrecognized) subsequent events that must be disclosed to keep the financial statements from being misleading.Choice "a" is incorrect. An adjustment would not be required as the conditions did not exist at year end. Type 1 (recognized) subsequent events require adjustment to the financial statement.Choice "d" is incorrect. An adjustment based on preliminary accounting estimates would not have been recorded as the conditions did not exist at year end.Choice "c" is incorrect. This is not a subsequent event as the recording of obsolescence at year end is based on the results of the performance of customary asset valuation tests - conditions that existed at year end.2.An auditor should disclose the substantive reasons for expressing an adverse opinion in a basis for modification paragraph:a. Preceding the introductory paragraph.b. Following the opinion paragraph.c. Preceding the opinion paragraph.d. Within the notes to the financial statements.ExplanationChoice "c" is correct. The auditor should disclose the substantive reasons for expressing an adverse opinion in a separate basis for adverse opinion paragraph preceding the opinion paragraph.Choice "a" is incorrect. There are no circumstances where any paragraph precedes the introductory paragraph.Choice "b" is incorrect. An emphasis-of-matter paragraph follows the opinion paragraph when there is a change in accounting principle or when there is doubt as to going concern.Choice "d" is incorrect. The auditor cannot include any type of explanatory material in the financial statements, which are the responsibility of management.3. Zag Co. issues financial statements that present financial position and results of operations but Zag omits the related statement of cash flows. Zag would like to engage Brown, CPA, to audit its financial statements without the statement of cash flows although Brown's access to all of the information underlying the basic financial statements will not be limited. Under these circumstances, Brown most likely would:a. Explain to Zag that the omission requires a qualification of the auditor's opinion.b. Prepare the statement of cash flows as an accommodation to Zag and express an unmodified opinion.c. Refuse to accept the engagement as proposed because of the client-imposed scope limitation.d. Add an emphasis-of-matter paragraph to the auditor's report that justifies the reason for the omission.ExplanationChoice "a" is correct. The auditor would explain to the client that in order for the entity's financialstatements to be in conformity with GAAP, there must be adequate disclosures of all material mattersincluding all financial statements and the supporting footnotes. As a result, the auditor would tell Zag that without adequate disclosure of the entity's cash flows, the audit report would have to be issued with a qualified or adverse audit opinion.Choice "d" is incorrect. Missing the statements of cash flows would not result in an unmodified opinion with an additional emphasis-of-matter paragraph because no statement of cash flows is a material departure from GAAP.Choice "c" is incorrect. The auditor is not required to refuse to accept the engagement, but the client should be made aware that the missing statement of cash flows will result in a qualified or adverse opinion.Choice "b" is incorrect. The responsibility to prepare the statement of cash flows is solely the client's.

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