1、prefer to rather than do宁愿而不愿(就算不愿做也可能会做)例句:I prefer to do housework rather than sit there doing nothing.我宁愿做家务也不愿坐在那里无所事事。
2、prefer to rather than doing宁愿而不愿(只愿意做前半部分,不会做或者讨厌做后半部分的,直接拒绝,语气强硬。)例句:I prefer to swim rather than skating.我喜欢游泳而不喜欢滑冰。
3、would perfer to rather than宁愿而不愿(比起后者来宁愿做前者)例句:Still, most users said they would prefer to get apps for free in return for accepting advertising rather than pay.尽管如此,大多数的用户表示,与付费程序相比,他们更愿意选择有广告支持的免费程序。
4、总结:prefer to rather than do:就算不愿做也可能会做。prefer to rather than doing:只愿意做前半部分,不会做或者羲耶笸砻讨厌做后半部分的,直接拒绝,语气强硬。would perfer to rather than:比起后者来宁愿做前者