
 时间:2024-10-28 04:49:54

1、意义1:繁华尽头归于幻灭的洞见预言。Meaning 1: The end of prosperity is attributed to disillusioned insight prophecy.


2、意义2:于是我们奋力前进,却如同逆水行舟,注定要不停地退回过去。Meaning 2: So we beat on,boats against the current,borne back ceaselessly into the past.


3、意义3:盖茨比对爱情的错误理解——他认为有钱可以赢回他的爱情,这本就违背了生命和爱的真谛。Meaning 3:The Wrong Understanding of Love,the easiest way he think is to be rich——The way would deteriorate the true meaning of life and love.


4、意义4:生活是变化着的,让我们无法回到过去——所有的光鲜亮丽也都虢耵曛酿敌不过时间,都一去不复返了。Meaning 4:It is impossible to return to the past, because all the things have changed——all the bright,precious things fade so fast. And they don’t come back.


5、意义5:“美国梦”的崛起、旺盛与衰落的标准象征。盖茨比梦想的破灭代表着美国梦的衰亡,作者将美国梦的开始到结束用盖茨比的个人梦想来描述。Meaning 5: The sy罪焐芡拂mbol of the rise, prosperity and decline of the American dream——Gatsby’s dream falling down represents the disillusionment of the American Dream. F. Scott Fitzgerald describes a progress of a man’s American Dream from beginning to the end, which is similar to the hero--Gatsby.

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