
 时间:2024-10-12 18:38:26

1、菠菜:小小一把菠菜就含有丰富的钾及维他命a和c,但是须特别注意烹调方式,因为菠菜是相当容易流失营养的食材。英文翻译:Spinach: a little put spinach is rich in potassium and vitamins A and C, but pay special attention to cooking methods, because spinach is very easy to loss of nutritional ingredients.


2、豆苗:绿色的豆妯撅缆早苗菜含有相当丰富的营养,其中当然少不了有利消除水肿的钾,而且豆苗菜也可以强化咀嚼效果,是兼具营养价值及促进口腔活动的优质食品。英文翻译:Bean sprouts: green bean seedling vegetable contain very rich in nutrition, in which little of course not beneficial to eliminate edema and potassium, jumeituan.uz.taobao.com,and fabaceous seedling dish can also strengthen the effect of chewing, is both nutritional value and the promotion of oral activities in quality food.


3、冬瓜玉米汤:因为冬瓜和玉米有去脂肪、去水肿作用,而且这种汤的煮法也非常简单,持续喝一至两个月,一定能见效。还要少吃高盐份食物,那会增加浮肿感。英文翻译:Melon corn soup: as wax gourd and corn to fat, to edema, and this soup cooking method is also very simple, continuing to drink one to two months, will certainly bear fruit. Would also like to eat salty foods, which will increase the swelling sense.


4、胡萝卜:胡萝卜营养很丰富,但同时它有股“怪味”,让有的人不容易接受。但胡萝卜有很好的瘦脸功效,在鲜榨的胡萝卜汁里加点蜂蜜,风味更佳,养颜又美容。英文翻译:Carrot: carrot nutrition is very rich, but at the same time, it shares the "taste", so that some people do not easily accept. But carrots are good face lift effect, in the fresh Fresh Carrot Juice with honey, better flavor, beauty and hairdressing.


5、坚果:充分的维生素、油脂,可使支撑脂肪的肌肉纤维变得强壮有力。英文翻译:Nuts: full of vitamins, fats and oils, the support of fatty muscle fibers become strong and powerful.

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