Another app is currently holding yum lock

 时间:2024-10-21 21:28:50

1、问题分析:Another app is currently holding the yum lock. 意为另外一个应用正在锁住进程锁。waitingforittoexit....意为该应用等待解锁。此外,如图可以得知,yum的pid号为2724。

Another app is currently holding yum lock

2、方法①kill -9 2724执行上述命令即可,2724为系统报错的pid号

3、方法②# kill -9 2724the process could not be stoppedSecond i attempt to kill all yum process出现该进程无法被终止的情况,进而采用killall命令尝试# killall -9 yumstill the process could not be stopped若是通过以上两种方式都无法解决问题,那么采用以下命令#rm -f /var/run/ 2724随后执行更新# yum -y update最后确保yum-updatesd已经启动#/etc/init.d/yum-updatesd status# /etc/init.d/yum-updatesd start

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