
 时间:2024-11-11 22:00:11




1、填写完整的签证申请表 Duly completed application forms2、2寸浅色背景照片,不要戴有首饰,不要遮盖眉毛和耳朵Passport sized recent photos X 2 per applicant3、护照(如有换发护照且有过出国经历者,要提供所有旧护照)All passports4、户口本(申请人的)Family registrar (if applicable)5、结婚证(如有)及公证(如果资金配偶提供或者配偶取得)Marriage certificate and associated notarized copy ( if necessary)


2、子女出生证明(如有)及公证(如果子女同时申请)Children birth certificate and associated notarized copy ( if applicable)7、银行存单及存款证明。Evidence of funds8、英文考试证明相当于B1标准的英文考试证书(随时根据TIER 2 的英文要求同步变动)Main applicant needs to meet English requirement of European B1 Level9、需要有完整的公司活动(包括海内外),资产描述,以及公司账目要显示之前一年的股份分配情况A full description of your activities overseas and your last year's accounts which should show your assets, turnover, and full details of share distribution for the previous year.10、需要确认公司会在英国简历海外公司独立拥有的子公司,或者确认海外公司会在英国注册一个新的分支A letter confirming that you will establish a wholly owned subsidiary or register a branch in the United Kingdom


3、申请人的工作描述 工资 以及合同 The candidate's contract of employment (this should include his/her salary); The candidate's job description and salary12、确认申请人非常了解海外公司的活动以及申请人有完全的去啊你在不询问母公司的情况下做出行动决定Confirmation that the applicant is fully familiar with your activities and that he/she has full powers to negotiate and take operational decisions about the planned UK entity without reference to you (the overseas parent);13、一份公证过的文件证明申请人将会成为首席商务代表并且公司在英国没有其他分支,子公司或者代表 A notarised statement from you stating that the applicant will be your sole representative and that you have no other branch, subsidiary, or representative in the United Kingdom;14、一份公证过的文件确认公司会主要以海外的运作为中心A notarised statement confirming that your operations will remain cantered overseas;15、一份公证过的文件证明申请人不会开展任何个人商务活动,也不会代表任何其他公司从事任何商务活动。A notarised statement that the candidate will not engage in business of his or her own nor will he or she represent any other company's interest;

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