1、miragen. 幻影,海市蜃楼例句:I thought there was water in the distance , but it was only a mirage .我原以为远处有水源,但它只是海市蜃楼。
2、bankern. 银行家例句:I trust my banker to keep my money safe .我相信我的银行家能保证我的钱的安全。
3、transparentadj. 透明的,清朐颔椴猿澈的,明净的例句:He didn't see the transparent glass and walked straight into it .他没看见这透明的玻璃,然后就撞上了。
4、remainsn. 遗体,遗骸,残余物例句:The remains of the house stand alone under the sun .房屋的遗迹孤零零的伫立在阳光下。
5、pressuren. 压力v. 对...施加压力例句:The student was under a lot of pressure before the exam .在考试之前,学生承受了巨大的压力。
6、transactionn. 交易,办理,事务例句:I paid him and he gave me the house —— it was an easy transaction .我付给他钱,他给我房子——这是一笔轻松的交易。