After Effects error“1610153459”的解决方案

 时间:2024-10-17 21:05:36

1、这是英文解答:I was having a similar problem where After 呶蓟鹭毵Effects, Premiere, and Sony Vegas could not create QT files on certain drives. After a lot of forum searching I finally found a solution thanks to a tip from Rob Maybury on CreativeCow.netIt looks like QT will only write to drives with a unique name. My volumes were set up as follows (looking at Windows File Explorer) Local Disk (C:) New Volume (F:) New Volume (G:) New Volume (H:)I could create files in C: and F: but not in G: and H:. After changing the Volume names so they all were unique: Local Disk (C:) SSD Volume (F:) Main Volume (G:) New Volume (H:)I could now create files on any drive.To change the Volume name, right click on the drive and select 'rename' or bring up the properties window and rename it there.


After Effects error“1610153459”的解决方案
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