such that用法

 时间:2024-10-12 21:22:07

1、“such that”是一个连接词,用来连接两个相关的句子,意思是 "使得"。例如:She works hard, such that she can afford a nice house."她工作努力,使得她能买得起一幢漂亮的房子。"He studies diligently, such that he can pass the exam."他学习勤奋,使得他能通过考试。"

2、“such that”它主要用于将一个句子的结果(状态、条件等)与另一个句子的原因进行连接。例如:We need to reduce our carbon footprint, such that we can slow down global warming."我们需要减少碳足迹,使得我们能减缓全球变暖。"The company implemented new policies, such that they could improve their efficiency."公司实施了新的政策,使得他们能提高效率。"

3、“such that ”是一个非常有用的连接词,可以用来连接两个句子,表示一个句子是另一个句子的原因,在表述上更加清晰明了。例如:She ate a healthy breakfast, such that she could have enough energy for the day."她吃了一顿健康的早餐,使得她能有足够的能量度过一天。"

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