
 时间:2024-10-15 02:32:38

1、"Which" 前面的介词 "of" 用来表示所属关系。例如:This is the book of which I spoke. 这就是我说的那本书。The car of which I am speaking is very fast. 我正在谈论的那辆车非常快。

2、"Which" 前面的介词 "for" 表示目的或原因。例如:This is the reason for which I am late. 这就是我迟到的原因。He did it for which he was praised. 他因此而受到了赞扬。

3、"Which" 前面的介词 "to" 釉涑杵抑表示目标或归属。例如:The book to which I am referring is on the shelf. 我提到的书在架子上。This is the person to which I was speaking. 这就是我正在谈话的那个人。

4、"Which" 前面的介词 "in" 表示时间或位置。例如:This is the year in which I graduated. 这就是我毕业的那一年。The room in which I am staying is very small. 我住的房间非常小。

5、"Which" 前面的介词 "on" 表示时间或表面。例如:This is the day on which I was born. 这就是我出生的那一天。The wall on which the painting is hanging is very dirty. 挂着画的墙非常脏。

6、Which" 前面的介词 "at" 表示时间或地点。例如:This is the place at which we first met. 这就是

7、"Which" 前使用 "from" 来表示来源:He couldn't remember which of the emails was from his boss. 他记不起哪封电子邮件是他老板发的。She asked which of the tourists was from France. 她问哪个游客是来自法国的。

8、"Which" 前使用 "in" 来表示位置或所属的群体:She asked which of the students was in the science club. 她问哪个学生在科学俱乐部。

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