
 时间:2024-10-14 14:05:07

1、Sept1:如果是单个的Story,前面的warming up还是照自己以前准备好的来套用就可以。


2、Step2:Pre-reading(以zoom和zip为例)(a.询问文章大意-what the text is generally about,请几个回答,留悬念;b.简单进行背景交代,让学生按经验猜测)Showing the pictures of zoom and zip,and let the Ss guess what they would like to eat if they would like to eat if hungry and fill in the chart.


3、Step3:while-reading1.Read the story 孥恶膈茯quickly and circle the answers多唉捋胝:what food are they and how.And read the words several times.2.Read it carefully for the second time(follow the tape&video carefully)and then fill in the blanks based on the story on the PPT.Eg. What would you_____to eat? I'd like a_____.Ss will divide into groups and have a PK,the fast one may get points.3.Ask what would you like if you are Zoom? ——I’d like some...To practice the sentence and words.4.Watch the video again and read the story.


4、Step4:Post-readingTask 1:Role play.Work in groups to do the role play of the story.Teacher should prepare the toys and headwears.Task2:Do a suvery.Walk around the classroom to find out the food someone choose when hungry and why(at least 3 person),and make a chart:A.what would you like to eat?B.I'd like some onions.A.Why?B.They are delicious.


5、Step5:Summary.这里和之前的听说课一样。My class,it's time for us to share our results,who would like to try?也可以用to be a little teacher,时间赶的话也可以直接念一遍。



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