mysql连接 Host is not allowed to connect to

 时间:2024-10-14 07:13:58

1、 使用vs配置mysql的时候出现错误: Host is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server,如图所示

mysql连接 Host is not allowed to connect to

2、 首先打开cmd,然后定位到mysql.exe文件的位置,

mysql连接 Host is not allowed to connect to

3、输入命令如下后回车:mysql -u root -p

mysql连接 Host is not allowed to connect to

4、 进入界面如下,在输入命令: user mysql

mysql连接 Host is not allowed to connect to

5、 输入如图所示的命令后回车:select 'host' from user where user='root'

mysql连接 Host is not allowed to connect to

6、输入命令后回车: FLUSH PRIVILEGES 即可解决该问题。

mysql连接 Host is not allowed to connect to

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mysql连接 Host is not allowed to connect to
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