3、part元素customer细节设塥骈橄摆计 type:activeinput to model.inter arrival:5lot size:1inputto mode造婷用痃l.to…:push to shipaction on create:batch = ra (1)ICON = 87"对buffer元素storehouse细节设计Capacity:1000part元素product细节设计type:activeinput to model.inter arrival:1lot size:1PUSH to SERVEDaction on create:ICON = 37 !storecost = storkqty * 0.1 + storecostcost = storecost + lostrate + c对path元素go的设计Go.Path traverse time:15Go.Path update interval:0.01Go.Sourse element:customerGo.Destination:storehouse对path元素away的设计away.Path traverse time:10away.Path update interval:0.1away.Sourse element: deliveryaway.Destination: ship对machine元素delivery细节设计Type:singleInput.from: pull from storehouseDuration.cycle time:1Output.to…:push to ship using pathAction on create: IF storkqty < batch getqty = storkqty lostrate = batch - storkqty + lostrateELSE getqty = batchENDIFStorkqty = storkqty – getqty对conveyor元素road的设计Length in parts:10Index time:1Input(from…): IF storkqty < minstock AND NENTS (road) < 1 PULL from product out of WORLDELSE WaitENDIFAction onJoin: c = 32 + (maxstock - storkqty) * 3 + c front: storkqty = maxstockoutput(to…): PUSH to ship对initialize action的设计storkqty = 30maxstock = 40minstock = 20