
 时间:2024-10-11 23:20:52

1、我真的喜欢这个工作。I really enjoy this job.2.我喜欢做编辑。I like being an editor.3.这份工作很适合我。This job is suitable for me.4.我没有感到有什么压力。I don't feel much pressure.5.对于这份工作,我没有抱怨。I have no complaints about this job.6.我觉得这个工作挺有意思的。I think this job is quite interesting.7.这个工作的报酬不错。This job pays well.8.我觉得我们的老板相当不错。I think our boss is a pretty nice guy.9.工作虽然辛苦,但具有挑战性。It's hard but very challenging.10.我在这个公司有更好的机会。I have better opportunities in this company.11.我在这儿会有很多升职的机会。I'll have a lot of chances for promotion here.12.我爱我们的团队。I love our team.13.我喜欢这里的工作环境。I like the working environment here.

2、Talking about the Job Feeling 谈论工作感受Chief Editor: How do 烤恤鹇灭you like your job here, Linda?主编:琳达,你觉得在这儿的工作怎么样?New Editor: It's interesting. I like being an editor.新编辑:挺有意思的。我喜欢做编辑。Chief Editor: Why?主编:为什么?New Editor: I like talking to writers. I get to meet lots of interesting people.新编辑:我喜欢和作者交谈。可以有机会碰到很多有趣的人。Chief Editor: I'm happy to hear that. but publishing is more than just talking to writers. It involves a lot of work, patience and responsibility. Most of the work is dull and boring.主编:很高兴听你这么说,但出版工作可不只是和作者交谈那么简单。要涉及很多工作的,还要有耐心和责任感。大部分工作都比较枯燥和无聊。New Editor: I don't feel bored at all. I'm getting on with my colleagues. I really enjoy working with them. People are great in this industry.新编辑:我一点也不觉得无聊。我和我的同事们都相处得很好。我真的很喜欢和他们一起工作。他们在这个行业都很棒。Chief Editor: Do you have any complaints?主编:你有什么抱怨吗?New Editor: No, I have no complaints. I hear there are many opportunities to move up in this company. Is that true?新编辑:没有,我没有抱怨。我听说在这个公司有很多升职的机会。这是真的吗?Chief Editor: Yes. You'll have many opportunities to grow in this company as long as you do well.主编:是真的。只要你干得好,在这个公司就会有很多发展机会。New Editor: That's perfect. I will definitely do well.新编辑:那就太好了。我绝对会干好的。


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