1、 一、长难句翻译四步法 第一步是找准主干。哪怕结构再复杂,一个句子只能有一个主干,先把主干找出来,剩下的修饰部分也就容易辨认了。第二部是分析句子结构,把句中的修饰成分和修饰的对象都找出来,一一对应,整理清楚。第三步是逐句翻译,因为句子结构复杂,包含多层意思,很难直接完整地译出来,所以可以先把修饰部分单独翻译,译成几个分句。第四步是把译好的分句连缀起来,顺序可稍加调整,使之符合汉语表达习惯,通顺流畅。
2、 二、实例分析 【例句】But everybody knows Obama needs a l足毂忍珩iberal to stop the court from moving further to the right than it already has under John Roberts, the present Chief Justice, a man more stealth-bomber than aircraft-carrier, whose professions of judicial modesty during his own confirmation hearings in 2005 gave little inkling of the controversial decisions over which he has since presided. 【第一步】识别主干:Everybody knows. 【第二步】分析结构: Obama needs a liberal to stop the court 为宾语从句主干; from moving further to the right为状语; than it already has under John Roberts为比较状语从句,修饰moving further to the right,省略了has moved; the present Chief Justice为John Roberts的同位语; a man more stealth-bomber than aircraft-carrier也为John Roberts的同位语; whose professions of judicial modesty during his own confirmation hearings in 2005 gave little inkling of the controversial decisions over which he has since presided为定语从句修饰John Roberts,其中定语从句的主干为whose professions of judicial modesty gave little inkling of the controversial decisions.
3、 【第三步】逐句翻译: 先翻译同位语从句:现任首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨,与其说说它像航母,不如说靓脘堤窳他像隐形轰炸机; 再翻译定语从句前半句,将主语和定语部分单独成句:2005年来,在其就职确认听证会上,他表示将信奉中庸的司法理念,想不到他主政之后却做了很多有争议的判罚; 接着翻译宾语从句,先翻译其状语:法庭在约翰的领导下,已经往右发展了,奥巴马需要一个自由主义者来阻止法庭进一步地右转; 最后翻译主句:这一点大家是知道的。
4、 【第四步】整句翻译: 现任首席大法官约翰·罗伯茨,与其说他像一艘航母不如说他像一架隐形轰炸机。2005年,在他的就职确认听证会上,它表示将信奉中庸的司法理念,想不到在他主政之后却做了很多有争议的判罚。法庭在约翰的领导下,已经往右发展了,奥巴马需要一个自由主义者在来阻止法庭进一步的右转。这一点大家是知道的。