如何写2018年6月10日托福作文真题 如何得高分

 时间:2024-10-27 04:37:43

1、独立写作题目In order to adapt to the life in university and succeed, if you are a freshman, which method do you think is better?1. attending a one-week orientation or introduction program when you are in the university campus and before classes begin2. meeting regularly in your first year with students in your major field who have entered the university for several yearsUse specific reasons and examples to support your answer.第一步: 题目关键解析: 题目的正确理解是-1假如你是 大学新人 (限定住了 你是新人)2为了”适应大学生活“并且能”成功“,3策略A: 在大学校园 开课之前 参加一周的 ”迎新培训“4 策略B: 每周规律地与学长/姐会谈(同方向 入学已经几年的)第二步:题目的解决要求是:哪一个方式更好,使用理由与事实性细节支撑论证?第三步:分析此题目的难度在于:在叙述题目主干(新生+为了在大学+适应以及 成功)的叙述中ETS(故意)叠加了很多限定条件。第四步:构思与书写的过程(第1步):定义题目关键词:Freshman is a person who is confronted with a new environment and has to come up with ideas of creativity and skills of novelty to deal with all challenges .(第2步):从关键词引入到题目:So does a freshman in university.(第3步):针对题目Task定向提问:And which way is more parasitical for him to adapt to this new surrounding?(第4步):给出明确主旨:Personally ,compared with proposal of getting some instruction at the beginning of new semester ,the counterpart proposal of meeting some experienced fellows of senior grade is much better to facilitate a nice adaptation for new university life and thus boosts his success in many aspects.

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