
 时间:2024-10-21 15:58:51

1、Proper consideration of foreseeable aspects of the machine environment and operation throughout the foreseeable life of the machine is necessary for the design and application of safeguards.在可预见的机器生命周期中对机器环境和操作的可预见方面进行适当考虑,对于安全防护装置的设计和应用来说是必要的


2、Guards shall provide the minimum possible interference with activities during operation and other phases of machine life, in order to reduce any incentive to defeat them.在机器生命周期的操作和其他阶段,防护装置应尽量不干扰作业活动,以消除任何阻挠作业活动的诱因

3、All mechanical/electrical hazards located at a height of 84” or below from the walking working surface (WWS), shall be guarded, unless where local ordinances exceed this requirement.位于84”高或低于作业面(WWS)的所有机械/电气危险应予以防护,除非当地法令超越此要求

4、Wherever sharp metal/plastic edges are present, vinyl, rubber, and/or closed cell foam edge guards shall be installed to protect Associates from lacerations and contusions.只要存在锋利的金属边/塑料边,就应安装乙烯基、橡胶和/或闭孔泡沫制成的边缘防护装置,以保护同事免受划伤和擦伤

5、All fasteners shall be compatible with anticipated loads and the environment.所有紧固件应与预期载荷和环境相兼容


6、All walkways, stai筠续师诈rs, ladders, and catwalks with exposure(s) to mac茑霁酌绡hine hazards shall protect personnel by means of standard railings, toeboards and netting, fixed barrier guards, etc. to prevent reaching the hazard(s).接触机器危险的所有人行道、楼梯、梯子以及狭小通道都应通过设置标准规格栏杆、脚止板、网板和固定防护围栏等来防止人员接触到危险

7、Protective guards shall be installed to prevent foreign objects from falling into moving parts and causing equipment jams or failure.应安装防护栏,防止异物落入活动部件,继而造成设备堵塞或故障

8、All presence-sensi艘绒庳焰ng safeguarding technologies (e.g., safety mats, safety light curtains, safety area scanners, etc.) shall comply with the applicable sections of ANSI B11.19 – 2010 Performance Criteria for Safeguarding in addition to the requirements found in this document.所有存在感测安全防护技术(如安全踏垫、安全光幕和安全区域扫描装置等)应符合“ANSI B11.19 - 2010安全防护装置的性能标准”的适用章节以及本文件中的要求

9、All machinery which are capable of restarting automatically shall be equipped with an Anti-Restart Device (ARD).所有能够自动重启的机械均应配备防重启设备(ARD)

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