help out with用法短语是即help sb out with sth,其中短语是help out的意思是帮助,帮助出来。help sbout with sth的意思是帮助解决难题,帮忙做,sth是with的宾语,指代帮忙的具体事件,可以用名词或动词ing形式,此短语若要接人称代词,则只能把人称代词放在help后面,意思就变成了帮助某人做某事。
help out with的造句I help out with the secretarial work,我帮着做些秘书工作,They promised to help out with the preparation,他们都保证帮我做准备工作,If you would like to help out with this section, please contact the author,如果你愿意将帮助写入此节,请联系作者。
You can help out with free marissa,你可以帮忙marissa拯救计划,You'd invite us to help out with your investigation,你能邀请我们帮助你查案子。