3、为便于识别对比,将两张兔脒巛钒图片制作在一张之上,并逐一标上号码,逐项描述。差异①:A:In the lower left corner of picture A, a man filled in 锾攒揉敫a digital game.B:The same position in the B picture of a man is writing a postcard.
4、差异②:A:In picture A,two people under the umbrella are eating hot dogs.B:The same position in the B picture, two people are drinking tea.生活常识:B图片不是在喝咖啡,因为有一个茶壶,所以是在喝茶。
5、差异③:A:In picture A,has adog is enjoying the guitar.B:In picture B,The dog has gone away.
6、差异④:A:In picture A,The street artists was playing the guitar.B:In picture B,The street artistswasplaying the violin.
7、差异⑤:A:In picture A,There are lots of flowers in front of the door of the store.B:In picture B,Put a billboard.
8、差异⑥:A:In picture A,this is a florist.B:In picture B,this is a newsagent.
9、差异⑦:A:In picture A,The man walked out of the shop with a basket.蚱澄堆别B:In picture B,The man took a bunch of flowers in his hand.
10、差异⑧:A:In picture A,Only one passenger was in the bus.B:In picture B,There are many passengers in the bus.
11、差异⑨:A:In picture A,The cyclists wore their helmets.B:In picture B,The cyclists don't wear helmets.
12、差异⑩:A:In picture A,The photographed child took 坡纠课柩ice cream i荏鱿胫协n his hand.B:In picture B,The photographed child takes a hamburger in his hand.
13、差异⑪:A:In picture A,There is no car in the lower right.B:In picture B,There is a car in the same position.
14、差异⑫:A:In picture A,There's only one man on the motorbike.B:In picture B,There are two people on the motorbike.