2、退欧沁桤哎款前准备(2)退款政策解读:Steam的退款政策是一切操作的规则与法律基础,我们有必要在退款仔细阅读其条款,找出符合自己情况的规则,下面我就从自己的多次退款经历,谈谈Steam退款机制的使吹涡皋陕用:总的原则:“对于自 Steam 商店购买于两周之内,且使用时间不超过 2 小时的游戏或软件,都可提供 Steam 退款。以下是一些其他形式消费的退款要求”即2小时/14天退款期,这是最一般的情况,一般大多数人要求退款都是必须符合这一原则的,下面根据自身经历谈谈几种特殊情况:A.“游戏内购买退款”,这个我没试过,估计一般适用于内购经验加成之类的,总的原则是“在交易发生的 48 小时内,游戏内物品并未被消耗、修改或转让”,也就是“原生的”可以退,“二手的”不能退;B.“预购游戏退款”,“当您在 Steam 预购一个产品时(且已事先付清时),您可以在该产品发售前的任意时间请求退款。标准的 14 天/2 小时退款期也可适用,自游戏发售之日起计时”,本文我退的预购的Syberia 3 Deluxe Edition即符合这一条件,注意是发售前可以任意时间请求退款,发售后按标准的14 天/2 小时退款期算;C.“礼物退款”细读条款发现,礼物也按标准的14 天/2 小时退款期算,特别地,其实理论上淘宝上买的什么“Steam国区礼物版”的游戏也是可以退的,只不过要商家同意,多一步操作,可能是由于汇率的关系或者嫌麻烦,大多数商家都提前说明不能退。总的来说,只要是从Steam商店直接买的游戏,只要符合退款政策,都是能退掉的;而Steam CD Key 在steam上是退不了的,但是key是可以转手的吧?
3、回到步骤1.C 打开的“客服”网页: 两种方式: A.从“近期产品”找到需要退款的产品,左键单击打开; B.从“游戏软件等”搜索找到需要退款的产品,左键单击打开。
5、退款界面: (1)可以看到游戏时间统计,要退款务必游戏时间小于2小时,购买时间小于14天; (2)退货原因可以根据具体情况选,尽量实事求是; (3)注释建议加上退款信,模板见图片和引用,或下一页; (4)确认收件邮箱,以便及时了解进度 ; (5)申请提交 PS:建议将界面右上角客服案件编号记录下来,具体原因下面讲解。
6、退欧沁桤哎款信模板Dear Valve Services: I’m writing this letter to complain about the game Syberia 3 Deluxe 呶蓟鹭毵Edition (Pre-Purchase) a full refund. I Pre-purchased the game on 24, October,2016, looking forward to getting a surprise. But Microids (game publishers ) announced that Syberia 3 has been postponed to Q1 2017, not available on Steam in December,2016.In February 2017,Microids unveils the new release date, scheduled to launch on April 20 on Steam.Today,April 21st,I play Syberia 3,however, I found it awful to play---Maybe it’s not my type, maybe I am too fastidious, but I really dislike it from the bottom of my heart! It is a non-entertaining game for me that I can’t enjoy it at all! I saved dollars, only to find it’s a waste of money and time! Talking about time, I played it for about only 11mins and it really disappointed me a lot! I read Steam Refunds carefully,and find that in "Refunds on Pre-Purchased Titles", you said "When you pre-purchase a title on Steam (and have paid for the title in advance), you can request a refund at any time prior to release of that title. The standard 14-day/two-hour refund period also applies, starting on the game’s release date.".The real Syberia 3’s release date is 20 ,April,2017.And I think my offer conform to your refund rules. I hope I can get my money back and use it into some more interesting games on steam .I’m sorry to trouble you, but I’m writing the letter sincerely for my refund. At last, I would be appreciate if you can return my deal and my money to my Steam Wallet!That’s all I want to say, Thank you!Steam ID:你的账户名Date: 年月日
7、申请退款易七淄苷之后: (1)一般2至8小时内,客服就会有回复,钱退至steam钱包要快些,支付宝、微信、银联要慢些,而退款到账,steam钱包是24小时后到账,支付宝、微信、银联情况比较复杂,1天到1周不等;一般情况就到此为止,等待退款即可。 (2)然而我这次按以往的操作把预购的Syberia 3 Deluxe Edition退款,结果哔了,而且如图所示,是连续被拒4次!!! 我接着就不敢继续按以往的操作来了,因为退款机制中steam是有防滥用措施的,弄不好会受到小红信,停用客户的退款权利。 肿么办呢?请看下一页~~~
10、求助信模板:Dear Valve Services and Kimi,Firstly,thanks for your response very much.I have tried to refund the pre-purchased game Syberia 3 Deluxe Edition three times(Ticket: 案件编号) yesterday,but it's replied that "We will not be granting a refund at this time. The date of the purchase exceeds 2 weeks (our refund policy maximum)".However, In the "Steam Refunds", it's written that "When you pre-purchase a title on Steam (and have paid for the title in advance), you can request a refund at any time prior to release of that title. The standard 14-day/two-hour refund period also applies, starting on the game’s release date" The game Syberia 3 Deluxe Edition's real release date is 20,April,2017 and I played this game only 11 minutes.I think my situation conform to the refund rules( The standard 14-day/two-hour refund period ).Thus, could you tell me the reason why my offer to refund this game was refused THREE TIMES clearly ?And Can I refund the PRE-PURCHASED GAME Syberia 3 Deluxe Edition ? How to refund the PRE-PURCHASED GAME Syberia 3 Deluxe Edition acceptably ?I'm a loyal steam user and I love to play PC games on steam.I always believe that Valve Corporation is the BEST game company in the world.I really want to believe that in the future.I hope your reply to explain and solve my problem sincerely.That’s all I want to say, Thank you!Steam ID:Date:尊敬的Valve(steam)客服和kimi (具体回复人,说不定还是他处理这事), 首先,非常感谢你们的回复。 昨天,我已经三次试图对预购的游戏“Syberia 3 Deluxe Edition”提出退款了(Ticket: 案件编号),但是被回复道“We will not be granting a refund at this time. The date of the purchase exceeds 2 weeks (our refund policy maximum) ”,也就是认为我的游戏购买时间超过 14 天。但是根据贵公司的Steam退款政策“预购游戏退款”一条:“当您在Steam预购一个产品时(且已事先付清时),您可以在该产品发售前的任意时间请求退款。标准的 14 天/2 小时退款期也可适用,自游戏发售之日起计时”,结合游戏“Syberia 3 Deluxe Edition”的实际发售日期(real release date)为2017年4月20日,显然今天(4月21日)和昨天(4月22日)在“自游戏发售之日起计时”的14天内,而我仅仅玩了11分钟,这应该是符合贵公司的标准的 14 天/2 小时退款期的规定。 因此,能否告知我三次退款申请被拒的具体原因?还有我能否对预购的游戏“Syberia 3 Deluxe Edition”提出有效的退款?如何对预购的游戏“Syberia 3 Deluxe Edition”提出有效的退款? 我是一名忠实的steam用户,我喜爱在Steam上玩PC游戏。一直以来,我认为Valve公司是世界上最棒的游戏公司。我真的希望我将来也一直这么认为。我真诚地期待你们对于我的问题的解释与妥善处理。 此致敬礼 再次表示感谢!!! Steam ID: 时间: