
 时间:2024-11-01 03:11:14

1、BROWN UNIVERSITY,Providence,RI Ph.D.in Sociology,1974 CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY,Pittsburgh,PA Master of Education-Counseling Major,1972 MIDDLEBURY COLLEGE,Middlebury,VT Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education-Art Minor,1968

2、Massasoit Junior College,Canton,MA A.S.Management,1978 Honor society

3、Graduated Dave Erickson"Public Speaking"course,1993 University of Dallas,Irvine,TX,1992,Graduated Summa Cum Laude Bachelor of Science Degree in Education,Minor in English Member of Kappa Krappa Gamma Honor Society Dean’s List four years

4、Marquette University,College of Liberal Arts,Milwaukee,WI Bachelor of Arts in Soviet Politics GPA in major:3.5/4.0Study Abroad:Hamburg,St.Petersburg,Moscow,Paris,1993 Five-week study of Soviet languages

5、Bronte College,New Castle,ME Master of Science in Accountancy,expected completion August,1993 Carroll College,Helena,MT Bachelor of Arts in Business Management,December,1986

6、University of Massachusetts-Boston Course work in General Management Practices,Business & Finance,Accounting,1986-1987 Aquinas Junior College A.S.Marketing,1981

7、Beijing University.诔罨租磊I expect to receive my degree of Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering in June,2001 Major CoursesStudied:Fundamentals of Metallurgy、Metallurgy of Iron and Steel、Ferrous Alloys、 Nonferrous Alloys Other Courses that Would Prove Useful in this Position:Fundamentals of Writing、The History of Science、Creative Writing Psychology Scholastic Record:For 3’/2 years I have been in the upper third of my class scholastically;during my first two years I earned approximately half of my college expenses working in the bookstore and library.

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