
 时间:2024-10-12 03:43:49

1、应用场合1. Applicable Condition 目前已大量应用于:LED显示屏、广告牌、LED路灯、景观照明、电池化成检测系统、电源生产老化系统、商场、体育馆、舞台、大型商业综合体等场所行业。Currently zero current eliminator could be used to eliminate over flow of current of zero line for LED display screen, advertising board, LED street lamp, landscape lighting, battery formatting inspection system, manufacturing and aging system of power, emporium, stadium, stage and large-scale complex etc.


2、常见造成零线电流过大的电子设备1. Electrical Equipments Which Often Encounter Zero Current Over Flowl 各种开关电源设备(计算机、电视机、显示器等);l Various switching power equipment(computer, television, display screen etc)l 变频器的大量应用(变频空调、电机节能等);l Equipment with mass frequency converter (inverter air conditioner, energy saving motor etc.)l 各种新光源(LED灯、节能灯、荧光灯等);l Various new illuminants (LED lamp, energy saving lamp, fluorescent lamp etc.)l 办公设备(复印机、传真机等);l Office equipments( duplicating machine, fax machine etc.)l 家用电器(洗衣机、显示屏、微波炉等);l Household appliances (washing machine, display screen, micro-oven etc.)l 电子设备(手机充电器等整流设备)l electronic equipments (rectifying appliances such as phone charger etc)

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