1、现代社会越来越需要高学历人才。普遍表达:Modern society more and more need the people with higher diploma.希望表达:Nowadays, there is an increasing demand for the talented people with higher degrees.
2、爱是很重要的。普遍表达:Love is very important in our life.希望表达:It goes without saying that love plays a vital role in our life.
3、合作很重要。普遍表达:Cooperation is very important in our life.希望表达:Cooperation is becoming increasingly important in this constantly changing world.
4、农村的孩子因贫困而失学。普遍表达:The children in the countryside can’t go to school because of poorness.希望表达:The children in the rural areas have been deprived of the opportunities to receive good education due to poverty.
5、中国这三梃悸霸庥十年在体育领域里取得了巨大的进步,其原因主要有两个。普遍表达:There are two reasons to explain the great achievements that the Chinese people have made in the field of sports during the past thirty years.希望表达:There are two reasons accounting for the great achievements made by the Chinese people in the field of sports during these three decades.
6、灾区的孩子霹葺檠溥非常需要我们的帮助,因为我们的帮助能够给他们带来克服困难和重建家园的信心。普遍表达:The children i荏鱿胫协n (灾区/ zai qu)need our help very much because our help will give them the courage to conquer the present difficulties and build the homes again.希望表达:The children in the quake-hit areas are badly in need of our help because the support from us will bring them the courage to overcome the current difficulties and rebuild the homes of their own.